25 common false friends in Spanish

25 common false friends in Spanish

These are the most helfpul 25 false friends to know in Spanish

...in my opinion!
We've all heard about them, right? It's so easy to get confused!
But not anymore :)

Diversión - fun
Desviación - diversion

Actualmente - currently
De hecho - actually

Largo - long
Grande - large

Colegio - school
Bachillerato - college

Constipado - that has a cold
Estreñido - constipated

Mermelada - jam
Jamón - ham

Embarazada - pregnant
Embarazoso - embarrassing

Aviso - warning
Consejo - advice

Fábrica - factory
Tejido- fabric

Carpeta - folder
Alfombra - carpet

Ropa - clothes
Cuerda - rope

Librería - bookshop
Biblioteca - library

Casualidad - coincidence
Víctima - casualty

Argumento - plot
Discusión - argument

Carta - letter that you send
Letra - letter of the alphabet

Suceder - to happen
Tener exito - to succeed

Sano - healthy
Cuerdo - sano

Jarrón - flower's vase
Vaso - glass

Sensato - sensible
Sensible - sensitive

Teclear - to type
Tipo - type / kind

Mesa - table
Tabla - wooden board

Éxito - success
Salida - exit

Lectura - reading
Conferencia- lecture

Presentar - to introduce someone
Introducir - to introduce something

Desgracia - tragedy
Verguenza - embarrassement

Hope you found this helpful :)

¡Hasta luego!