When to use "a" in Spanish

Let's see all of the different situations we must use the preposition a in Spanish: Destination When we have a movement action and there's a destination and we use a. These wil happen with all verbs of movement: »

Desde hace, desde and hace

Let's start with both of these words separetely: Hace Hace means ago, and we put it before the "time" (instead of after, like in English): Hace dos meses - two months ago. El teléfono sonó hace cinco minutos »

  • on vocab

"Deber" or "deber de"

Let's see! Deber There are two big meanings for this verb (without the "de"): obligation and to owe something/have a debt. Obligation Deber means to have an obligation Debemos prestar atención en clase - We must pay »

Por / Para - Tricky cases

If you haven't read the theory on por and para, I would start there. You can also watch the video tutorial on por and para here. After that, it's good to see examples where the sentence is very »