"Deber" or "deber de"

Let's see! Deber There are two big meanings for this verb (without the "de"): obligation and to owe something/have a debt. Obligation Deber means to have an obligation Debemos prestar atención en clase - We must pay »

Hay vs estar

¡Hola! In this post we're talking about when we use hay and when estar, as sometimes can sound very similar when we translate them as "there is" (hay) or "it is" (está). If you want to know more »

Tomar or coger?

This is one of the most common questions people have when it comes to vocab in Spanish, and it's not about when to use each, but where. Let's have a look! In South America Tomar To use in »

Parecer. How to use it.

Parecer is one of those verbs that doesn't just have one meaning. The best known one is "to seem" or "to look", but it's not the only way to translate it! Parecer + adjective To seem or look, assuming »