Prepositions in Spanish - Practice (describe where things are)

Prepositions are used to describe where things are. These can be objects, people or places when we're giving directions.

On the picture below you can see the most common prepositions:

Let's describe the room using prepositions. You have two options:

1- Create the sentences yourself to also recap the name for furniture. Try to use connectives like :

También / Además - Also

Primero - First

Segundo - Secondly

Finalmente - Finally

Sin embargo - However

Pero - But

2- Fill in the gaps below using the prepositions:

Ex: El café está encima de la mesa - The coffee is on top of the table.

  • La silla está _________ la mesa y las plantas - The chair is between the table and the plants.

  • Las plantas están _________ la silla - The plants are behind the chair.

  • El café y el ordenador están ___________la mesa - The coffee and the computer are on top of the table.

  • La lámpara está _________ el sofá - The lamp is next to the sofa.

  • El sofá está __________ la ventana - The sofa is in front of the window.

  • El bebé está ______________ la pelota - The baby is to the left of the ball.

  • El cojín está ___________ el sofá - The cushion is on top of the sofa.

  • El sofá está ____________ la mesa pequeña - The sofa is to the right of the small table.

  • Extra! Finish this sentence:

    La alfombra está ___________________ The carpet is...

¡Buena suerte! / Good luck!

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¡Hasta la próxima!