When to use "a" in Spanish

Let's see all of the different situations we must use the preposition a in Spanish: Destination When we have a movement action and there's a destination and we use a. These wil happen with all verbs of movement: »

Desde hace, desde and hace

Let's start with both of these words separetely: Hace Hace means ago, and we put it before the "time" (instead of after, like in English): Hace dos meses - two months ago. El teléfono sonó hace cinco minutos »

  • on vocab

"Deber" or "deber de"

Let's see! Deber There are two big meanings for this verb (without the "de"): obligation and to owe something/have a debt. Obligation Deber means to have an obligation Debemos prestar atención en clase - We must pay »

Por / Para - Tricky cases

If you haven't read the theory on por and para, I would start there. You can also watch the video tutorial on por and para here. After that, it's good to see examples where the sentence is very »

"To leave" in Spanish

I've realised this can be a very confusing topic for students, so today we're going to see the differences between salir, irse and dejar: Salir This is easily the most overused one, wrongly, almost people learning Spanish. In »

Hay vs estar

¡Hola! In this post we're talking about when we use hay and when estar, as sometimes can sound very similar when we translate them as "there is" (hay) or "it is" (está). If you want to know more »