The best way to learn Spanish if you're intermediate

We discussed already that the experience learning a language changes a little bit depending on your level, and the first time we focused on what's the best way to learn Spanish as a beginner.

If you're on a intermediate level of Spanish this is your turn and this is my advice for you:

Homework is more important than ever

At this stage homework should challenge you and make you think a bit harder. Grammar shines here because you're now able to be more detailed and accurate, but you'll also do more interactive and creative tasks that involve different types of resources like videos or listenings of a higher level.

Test yourself

Depending on how you learn (everybody is slightly different and your teacher needs to know this and make adjustments) at some point in your intermediate journey is a good moment to try some mock exams from GCSE or from the DELE exams. This will help you get used to different types of tasks and know what usually examinations look like. This will be helpful regardless of not being interested in taking these at all in the future, if that's your case.

Time to get creative!

Both in speaking and writing you have now more knowledge and tools to let go of anything that is limiting you.

Regarding speaking you will no longer need the amount of written support that you used to when you were a beginner and things get more spontaneous. Don't worry about not remembering every single word, the teacher and the dictionary have your back!

When you write you will probably do it on homework so you can take your time, or at least if you were my student. Writings are getting longer and more interesting. At this point and there's a big focus on using more connectives, different phrases to give your opinion, to open or close a letter or email, to organize the text etc.

Here, you have the chance to check things and correct yourself, so do it. And don't forget revising it at the end and read it to check that it has flow! (that it's all well connected and sounds as a whole).

Overall you're given more freedom, so make things personal and interesting for you. This will make it more relevant but also easier to extend your conversations in Spanish if you struggle to think of what to say. It's like mimicking what you would say in English content wise.

Be ambitious

You have the power to get to the next level as strong as you want, and also faster. Listen to music, watch movies or short films in Spanish , try some independent reading, and always try to do your homework to maximize what you do during lessons.

You can check our post on books, movies and short films.

In conclusion, the "dream big" mantra works for languages too, be determined and you'll be proud of yourself probably sooner than you think.

And remember, honor your mistakes and learn from them, it's part of the process :)