Vocab to rent a flat in Spain

Today I had a lesson that reminded me that a lot of you guys go to Spain and choose to rent a flat or a house.
I put together a selection of vocab that I think will be helpful when doing that :)
First, you might want to check this post on places where the house can be, furniture, rooms, and other words to describe a house.
And now is when we extend that post:
About the house
A estrenar - Brand new
Adosado - attached
Aparcamiento - Parking space / car park
Metros cuadrados - square meters
Cocina americana - Kitchen - living room (all in one room)
Cocina equipada – fully-fitted kitchen
Sin amueblar – flat with no furniture
Amueblado – furnished
Armarios empotrados – built-in closets
Segunda mano – second hand
En buen estado – in good condition
Necesita una mano de pintura - It needs painting
Recién reformado – recently renovated
Patio - patio
Finca – plantation / house in the countryside / big green terrain
Vistas - views
Luminoso - Bright
Con mucha luz natural - With lots of natural light
Garaje bajo tierra - Underground garage
Trastero - Storage room (usually in the roof)
Bodega - Storage room (usually in the same floor as the garage)
Bodega (de vino) - wine cellar
About the place
Urbanización - residencial neigborhood
Lo más cerca posible a... - The closest possible to...
Lo más lejos posible a... - The farthest possible to...
A poca distancia a pie /caminando - Short distance walking
Cerca de la playa - Close to the beach
En la costa - In the coast
En la montaña - In the mountains
Bien comunicado -Well communicated
Bien situado - Well situated
Piscina comunal - Community swimming pool
Piscina privada - Private swimming pool
Piscina municipal - Local swimming pool
Campo de golf/fútbol/tennis... - Golf/ football/ tennis field
Alrededor - Around
Alrededores - Surroundings
Suministros - supplies/maintenance fees
Agua caliente - Hot water
Luz - light
Calefacción - Heating
Teléfono - Telephone
Internet - Internet
Electricidad - Electricity
Gas - Gas
Caldera - Boiler
Basura - Garbage /rubbish tax
Aire acondicionado - Air conditioning
Pagar comunidad - To pay the "community" fee (it's paid in every building, usually by the landlord but sometimes by the tenant).
Questions to ask
¿Cuándo queda disponible? - When does it become available?
¿Cuánto se paga de ...? - How much do you pay for...?
¿Cada cuánto se paga? - How often is x paid?
¿Tendría que pagar por...? - Would I have to pay for...?
¿Está incluido? - Is it included?
¿En qué zona está? - In which area is it?
¿A cuánto está del centro/ playa - How far away is from the center/beach?
Cómo es el barrio/ zona / calle? - What is the neighborhood/ area/ street like?
¿Está bien comunicado por carretera? - Is it well communnicated by road?
¿Hay espacios verdes cerca? - Are they green areas nearby?
¿Tiene buenas vistas? -Has it good views?
¿Se puede acceder a...? - Can we/I access to...?
About the agreement
Inquilino- Tenant
Propietario - Landlord
Me gustaría alquilar - I would like to rent
¿Durante cuánto tiempo? - For how long?
¿Cuándo entrarías en la casa? - When would you get in the house?
¿Cuándo empezaría el contrato? - When would the contract begin?
¿Cuándo saldrías de la casa? - When would you get out of the house?
¿Cuándo acabaría el contrato? - When would the contract end?
A principios de mes - At the beginning of the month
A mediados de mes - In the middle of the month
A finales de mes - At the end of the month
Trimestral/cada trimestre - Quarterly
Anualmente/cada año - Annually
Mensualmente/cada mes - Monthly
Pago - Payment
Recibo - Receipt
Let me know if you're looking to rent in Spain and there's a word I've missed! :)
¡Hasta la próxima!