Saint Valentine's day vocab

Valentine's day is around the corner, wouldn't be great to surprise your significant other with some romance in Spanish?
Well, we're going to see some love-related vocab and some phrases, so get your corny self ready!
And if that's not your thing, well, this is good vocab to know about, you know how they say love is everywhere! (don't forget about songs!)
Mimar - to spoil/to take care of
Dar mimos - to cuddle/ to give cuddles
Dar un beso/besar - To give a kiss/to kiss
Dar un abrazo/ abrazar - To give a hug/to hug
Darse la mano - to hold hands
Enamorarse - to fall in love
Estar enamorada - To be in love
Querer - to love (someone) -only works for people with this meaning, otherwise it means "to want" something.
Salir con alguien - To go out with/date someone
Ir a una cita - To go on a date
Sentir algo por - To feel something for...
Sentimiento - feeling
Amor - Love
Cariño- Affection (and as a nickname, see section below)
Novio - Boyfriend / groom
Novia - Girlfriend / bride
Boda - wedding
Marido/mujer - husband /wife
Esposo/a - spouse
Pareja - partner (always ends in -a no matter the gender)
Estar prometido/a - To be engaged
Casarse / casarse con - To get married / to marry someone
Affectionate nicknames
Mi amor - my love
Cariño - On the same lines as something like "honey" or "love".
Cielo - it means sky, literally, but can be used just like the previous one.
Guapo/a - "handsome" / "pretty thing" or "beautiful"
¡Feliz San Valentín! - Happy Valentine's day!
Siento algo por ti - I feel something for you
Me importas (mucho) - you are (very) important / I care (a lot) about you
Eres (muy) importante para mí - You are (very) important to me.
Me estoy enamorando de ti - I'm falling in love with you.
Estoy enamorado/a de ti - I'm in love with you.
Te quiero - I love you
Soy muy feliz contigo -I'm very happy with you.
¿Quieres casarte conmigo? - Do you want to marry me?
¿Quieres salir conmigo? - Do you want to go out with me?
Podríamos salir algún día... - We could go out some day...
¿Podrías darme tu número de teléfono? - Could you give me your phone number?
¡Llámame! - Call me!
or maybe...
¿Podemos seguir siendo amigos? - Can we stay friends?
Me gustas solo como amigo/a - I like you only as a friend.
Lo siento, no estoy interesado/a - Sorry, I'm not interested.
No eres tú, soy yo - It's not you, it's me. (yeah, right)
Jokes aside, I hope you have a great Galentine's today or Valentine's day tomorrow!
¡Hasta pronto! :)