Expressions to complain ( using subjunctive).

Expressions are a great thing, because they allow us to be more emphatic and vocal with our opinions and feelings.
This is important because that's what you want your second language to do, express who you are.
So, for example, if I don't agree with someone I can go for the basic "No estoy de acuerdo" which means "I don't agree", and that'd be just fine, but I might want something more expressive in an informal setting like "¡ni de coña!" which means "no way!".
When you use these type of expressions you sound much more Spanish and fluent!
For that case, here's what you can use when you complain:
Solo faltaría que...
"¡Solo faltaría que ...!" + imperfect subjunctive*
It translates to something like "it'd be wrong that..."
-Solo faltaría que me dejaras aquí! - -It'd be wrong that you left me here!
-¡Solo faltaría que no hicieran los deberes!- - It'd be wrong if they didn't do their homework!
- Remember the imperfect subjunctive is created with the form "they did" (preterite), taking out the -ron ending and adding:
ra,ras,ra,ramos,rais or ran.
Ex: Pudieron - Pudie - Pudiera . Ex: I wish I could fly - Ojalá pudiera volar.
Parece mentira que... / no me puedo creer que...
1- ¡Parece mentira que ...! + present subjunctive*
Literally it means "it seems not to be true" but we can translate it as "I can't believe!"
2- ¡No me puedo creer que ...! + present subjunctive*
This one literally means "I can't believe".
¡Parece mentira que la máquina haga tanto ruído! - I can't believe the machine makes so much noise!
¡Parece mentira que no traigas ningún regalo! - I can't believe you don't bring any present!
¡No me puedo creer que me hayas mentido! - I can't believe you have lied to me!
¡No me puedo creer que no quieras tarta! - I can't believe you don't want cake!
- Remember the present subjunctive is created with the form "I do" (present), taking out the -o ending and adding:
If it's an AR verb: e,es,e,emos,éis,en.
If it's an ER or IR verb: a,as,a,amos,áis,an.
Ex: Comer - com - comáis. Os recomiendo que comáis en ese restaurante -I recommend you eat in that restaurant.
Ya está bien!
¡Ya está bien! - It's enough!
¡Ya está bien de que...! + present subjunctive + It's enough of ...!
¡Ya está bien de que ellos nos traten como a niños! - It's enough of them treating us like children!
¡Ya está bien de que no hagas lo que te digo! - It's enough of you not doing what I tell you!
Es una pena / es una vergüenza...
Es una pena que ... + present subjunctive - It's a pity that...
Es una vergüenza que ... + present subjunctive - It's a shame that...
¡Es una pena que no tengas un coche! - It's a pity that you don't have a car!
Es una vergüenza que cocinemos tan mal! - It's a shame that we cook so badly!
So, what do you want to complain about?