"Quedar"meanings and expressions

Quedar is one of those amazing verbs you can do a lot with!
Let's see all of the versions of it:
Quedar (no pronoun)
Quedar - to have/be left
Ex: Quedan dos latas de tomate - There are two tomato cans left.
It can be adapted to "someone has ... left" with an indirect object pronoun, like the ones we use with "gustar": me queda/n, te queda/n, le queda/n, nos queda/n, os queda/n, les queda/n. We choose queda when it's one thing left and quedan if it's a plural amount left.
Quedar con - to meet someone
To meet at a place with someone or to do something
Ex: Voy a quedar con Mario mañana - I'm going to meet Mario tomorrow.
Quedar en + infinitive- to agree to do something
Ex: Quedé en lavar los platos -I agreed to wash the dishes.
Quedar como un idiota/ payaso/... - To look like an idiot/a clown...
Ex: Has quedado como un idiota diciendo eso - You've looked like an idiot saying that.
Quedar bien/mal - To make a good/bad impression, look good/bad.
Ex: Marta siempre lleva regalos para quedar bien - Marta always brings presents to look good/make a good impression.
Also, for clothing, to look good on someone.
Ex: Esa chaqueta te queda bien - That jacket looks good on you.
Quedar claro - To be clear
Ex: Queda claro que no quieres venir - It's clear you don't want to come.
Quedar pendiente - To be left to do /pending
Ex: Recuerda que queda pendiente mandar ese email- Remember that is that email has to be sent / you have to send that email.
Quedar en familia - to be kept in the family
Ex: Esos secretos quedan en familia - Those secrets are kept in the family.
Quedar en ridículo - To look ridiculous or to feel embarrassed
Ex: No voy a cantar, no quiero quedar en ridículo - I'm not going to sing, I don't want to look ridiculous.
Quedarse (pronominal)
Quedarse - to stay
To stay somewhere
Ex: Me quedo en casa cuando llueve mucho - I stay home when it rains a lot.
If you wonder how to conjugate a pronominal verb like this, check out this.
Quedarse (con) - to keep something
Ex: ¿Me puedo quedar (con) este vaso? - Can I keep this glass?
Quedarse embarazada - To get pregnant
Ex: Se quedó embarazada en un mes - She got pregnant in a month.
Quedarse de piedra/sin palabras - to be without words
Ex: Me quedé de piedra/sin palabras cuando me dijo que estaba casada - I was without words when she told me she was married.
Quedar(se) - pronoun optional
To remain, be left, or become.
Ex: La habitación (se)queda vacía - the room remains empty /becomes empty.
Ex: Me quedé tranquila/ triste/ sola... - I was left calm / sad / alone
With people: to be / become (for people, feelings, reactions, etc)
Ex: Me quedé tranquila/ sorprendida/ triste/ sola/ satisfecha... - I was left calm /surprised/ sad / alone/ satisfied ...
If you have any question, feel free to write below in the comments,
¡Hasta la próxima! / See you next time! :)