Mucho or muy?

Have you got these two confused before? I think everybody has!
Before the blogpost, if you're more of a video person, this is my video tutorial on muy and mucho
Vale, let's jump into it!
Mucho and muy
Mucho - a lot
Talking about actions
Tienes que estudiar mucho para aprobar - You have to study a lot to pass.
Me gusta mucho el arte abstracto - I like abstract art a lot.
Muy - Very
Describing qualities and states (adjectives)
He sido muy estúpido - I have been very stupid
Estás muy preocupada, lo sé - You're very worried, I know
mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas
Mucho/a - a lot of + uncountable (in singular)
Este plato tiene mucho arroz - This dish has a lot of rice
Tengo mucha hambre - I have a lot of hunger (I'm very hungry)
Mucha gente tiene mascotas - a lot of people have pets
Muchos/as - a lot / many + countable (in plural)
Había muchos animales en la granja - There were many / lot of animals in the farm
Muchas familias cenan juntas - Many/ a lot of families have dinner together
You might say, well both of them can be translated with "a lot of", BUT...
Clue: Only when it's plural can be translated with "many"
Also, you will naturally agree the noun with it in number: muchos años / muchas casas
Fill in the gaps:
1- Hay _______ cosas que quiero decirte - There are a lot of things I want to tell you.
2- ¿No tienes ya _______ bolsos y _____ ropa? - Don't you already have many bags and a lot of clothes?
3- Ellas tienen ______ dinero - They have a lot of money.
4- Estoy ____ contenta de verte - I'm very happy/content to see you.
5- ¿Coméis ______ en este restaurante? - Do you guys eat a lot in this restaurant?
6- Estamos _____ ocupados - We're very busy.
7- Ves _______ la televisión - You watch tv a lot.
8- _____ libros se perdieron - Many books were lost.
Hope that helped!
¡Hasta la próxima! :)