Organising your text and expose arguments in Spanish

As you know, organization is very important when you want to make a point, or explain something, specially if it's a speech or an essay of any length.
We want to convince and we want our ideas to be linked with each other, well presented and with a clear direction.
Please if you haven't, check my post on connectives and time expressions as including these are the first step to achieve this.
Ready? Ok, now we can jump into it!
Here you have the most common expressions you need to organize and expose your ideas.
They are of different complexity and formality, just use them in the same contexts as you would use their translations in English :)
Formal introduction
Me gustaría hablar de... - I would like to talk about...
Me gustaría examinar el tema de... - I would like to examine the subject of...
El tema que he elegido es... - The subject I've chosen is.
Voy a abordar el problema de... - I'm going to address the problem of...
Debemos considerar las ventajas y desventajas de... - We must consider the pros and cons of...
Lo que más me interesa es... - What interests me the most is...
Giving reasons in order:
Option 1...
En primer lugar - In first place.
En segundo lugar - In second place.
En tercer lugar - In third place. ... use the ordinal numbers to continue.
En último lugar - In last place.
Option 2...
Primero - First.
Segundo - Second.
Tercero - Third.
... use the ordinal numbers to continue.Finalmente - Finally.
Por último - Lastly.
Expossing your argument
En mi opinión - In my opinion.
Desde mi punto de vista - From my point of view.
Pienso que / creo que - I think that.
Encuentro que - I find that...
En mi caso - In my case.
En lo que a mí concierne - As far as I'm concerned.
Estoy seguro/a de que - I'm sure that...
Me parece que - It seems to me that...
Yo diría que - I would say that...
Es evidente que... -It's evident that...
Es importante tener en cuenta que... - It's important to take into account that...
Es importante resaltar que... - It's important to point out that...
Sería más correcto decir que... -It would be more correct to say that...
Por esa razón - For that reason.
Esta es la razón por la que... -This is the reason why...
Por lo tanto - Thus.
Por consiguiente - Consequently.
Así que - Therefore.
Además / también - Also, besides.
Entonces - Then.
Se deduce que... - It can be deducted that...
Esto nos hace pensar que... - This makes us think that...
Se puede entender que... - We can think that...
Podemos interpretar que... - We can interpret that...
Este estudio / esta encuesta revela que... - This study/this survey reveals that...
Contradicting and expanding
Por un lado / Por otro lado - On one hand/ on the other hand.
Por una parte / Por otra parte - On one hand/ on the other hand.
Sin embargo - However.
Por el contrario - On the contrary.
Aunque - Although.
A pesar de... - Despite. (A pesar de eso - Despite that)
En realidad - Actually / to tell the truth.
De hecho - In fact.
Incluso - Even (Incluso si... - Even if...).
Aún así - Even like that.
En conclusión - In conclusion.
Para terminar/concluír - To finish.
Para resumir - To sum up.
En pocas palabras - In a few words.
Como hemos dicho/explicado/visto - As we have said/explained/seen.
Esto muestra que - This shows that...
Esto demuestra que - This proves that...
Habiendo considerado todos los aspectos... - Considered all the aspects...
Podemos concluír que - We can conclude that...
Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que... - We have reached the conclusion that...
Hope you use this next time you want to make a point in Spanish :)
If you have any doubt, please ask me on Facebook, Twitter or Google+, links below.
¡Hasta luego!