Verbs for beginners - where to start

Today I want to give you a list of verbs in Spanish that I find useful for beginners, so in case you're wondering what actions you should start learning, this is my answer.
Also, I've included if they are irregular in any verbal tense, just to give you an idea and a heads up!
I included a few reflexive verbs, specially in the daily activities section, so check out this grid and theory on reflexive and pronominal verbs if you want to understand those more. I'll put an (R) next to them.
If you're wondering, they are exactly 142 verbs. I didn't want to aim for a certain number, it's guided by how often you'll need them, and I feel you need these ones in your arsenal to conquer your first Spanish step.
If I were you I'd start with 10 each week, and even maybe print this out and use highlighter pens.
¡Buena suerte!/ Good luck!
List of essential verbs
Day to day activities
Dormir: To sleep (irregular in present tense and preterite).
Trabajar: to work
Vivir - to live
Comer: To eat
Beber: To drink
Limpiar: To clean
Lavar: To wash / lavarse: to wash onself (R)
Cocinar: To cook
Comprar - to buy
Peinarse - to brush one's hair (R)
Ducharse - to shower (R)
Levantarse - to get up/stand up (R)
Despertarse - to wake up (R) (Irregular in present tense)
Acostarse - to go to bed (R) (Irregular in present tense)
Vestirse - to get dressed (R) (Irregular in present tense and preterite)
Desvestirse - to get undressed (R) (Same as "vestirse")
Tomar - to have food/drinks
Mirar - to look
Esperar: To wait, expect or hope
Moving around
Poner: to put (irregular in present tense, preterite, simple future, perfect tense and conditional) / ponerse: to put on
Quitar- to remove / quitarse: to take off
Meter: to put in
Sacar - to take out
Subir - to go up
Bajar - to go down
Entrar - to get/go in
Salir - to get out / go out (irregular in present tense, simple future, conditional )
Ir- to go (irregular in all tenses but simple future, conditional, perfect tense and near future, including present subjunctive)
Irse - to leave (R) (same irregularities than "ir")
Quedarse - to stay (R)
Quedar con - to meet with
Sentarse - to sit down (R) (Irregular in present tense)
Levantarse - to stand up, already mentioned before (R)
Tumbarse - to lay down (R)
Venir - to come (irregular in present tense, simple future, conditional and preterite)
Volver - to come back (irregular in present tense and perfect tense)
Caminar -to walk
Pasear -to go for a walk / to walk (a dog)
Abrir - to open (irregular in perfect tense)
Cerrar - to close (irregular in present)
Traer - to bring (irregular in present tense and preterite)
Conducir - to drive (irregular in present tense and preterite)
Llegar - to arrive
Moverse - to move
Mudarse- To move house
Passing the time
Leer: To read (irregular in preterite)
Ver: To see/watch (irregular in present, preterite, perfect tense and imperfect)
Practicar: To practice
Hacer: To do or make (irregular in all tenses apart from imperfect and near future)
Jugar: To play (sports)
Estudiar - to study
Correr - to run
Tocar: To play (instruments)
Escuchar: To listen to
Entrenar- To train / ensayar: to rehearse
Pintar - to paint
Dibujar - to draw
Cantar - to sing
Bailar - to dance
Visitar -to visit
Viajar -to travel
Internal actions
Recordar: to remember (irregular in present tense)
Soñar: To dream (irregular in present tense)
Sentirse: To feel (feelings) (R) (Irregular in present tense and preterite)
Preocuparse - to worry (R)
Alegrarse - to get happy/glad about something (R)
Enfadarse - to get angry (R)
Disfrutar - to enjoy
Sufrir - to suffer
Imaginar - to imagine
Pensar - to think (irregular in present tense)
Creer - to believe (irregular in preterite)
Aceptar - to accept
Suponer - to suppose
Communicating and relationships
Entender (irregular in present tense)/comprender - to understand
Explicar - to explain
Hablar - to talk
Decir - to say (irregular in all tenses but imperfect and near future)
Llamar - to call / name
Conocer - to know / meet for the first time (irregular in present tense)
Preguntar - to ask a question
Pedir - to ask for something /order (irregular in present tense, preterite)
Contar- to tell /count
Gritar - to yell /scream
Confirmar - to confirm
Enfatizar - to emphasize
Escribir - To write (irregular in perfect tense)
Discutir - to argue
Debatir - to debate
Negociar - to negotiate
Querer - to want / love someone (irregular in present tense, simple future and conditional)
Gustar - to like
Encantar - to love (something or to do something)
Besar - to kiss
Abrazar - to hug
Dar - To give (irregular in all tenses but both futures, perfect tense and conditional)
Recibir - to receive
Ofrecer - to offer
Other verbs
Empezar /comenzar - to start (irregular in present tense)
Terminar -to finish
Seguir - to continue / keep doing / follow (irregular in present tense and preterite)
Coger - to catch/ take / grab (irregular in present tense)
Ser/ estar - to be (irregular in all tenses, including present subjunctive, apart from simple future, near future, perfect tense and conditional. Also "estar" is not irregular in imperfect)
Check out this blogpost to understand when to use "ser" and when "estar".
Saber - to know (irregular in present tense, preterite, simple future, present subjunctive and conditional).
Poder - to be able to /can (irregular in presente tense and preterite)
Romper -to break (irregular in perfect tense)
Arreglar - to fix /tidy up
Oír - to hear (irregular in present tense and preterite)
Morir - to die (irregular in present tense, preterite and perfect tense)
Ayudar (a)- to help
Cambiar - to change
Necesitar - to need
Dirigir - to direct (irregular in present tense)
Nacer -to be born (irregular in present tense)
Usar/utilizar -to use
Intentar- to try
Descubrir - to discover
Aparecer - to appear / show up (irregular in present tense)
Conseguir - to achieve /get (irregular in present and preterite)
Crear - to create
Guardar - to keep /save /to storage
Mantener -to maintain
Regalar - to give a gift
Observar - to observe
Doler - to hurt (irregular in present tense)
Tener - to have /own (irregular in all tenses but perfect tense, imperfect, near future and subjunctive)
Parecer - to seem or look
Ganar - to earn / win
Gastar -to spend
Pagar- to pay
Pasar - to pass /spend time
Perder - to lose (irregular in present tense)
Decorar - to decorate
Buscar - to look for
Encontrar - to find (irregular in present tense)
Dejar - to leave / let see all different meanings of "dejar"
Decidir - to decide
Elegir - to choose (irregular in present and preterite)
Llevar: To wear / bring / take time Read this blogpost to understand better the meanings of "llevar"
Tardar: To take time This blogpost explains when to use "tardar" and when "llevar"with this meaning
Haber - to exist /auxiliar tense - From here we have "hay" (there is/are),"había" (there was/were"), "habrá" (there will be)...
That is it! ¡Eso es todo!
Hope I've given you a point to start from and it all goes peachy with your Spanish! :D
¡Hasta luego!