What is the subject of a sentence?
When you learn a new language, specially when you get to a certain level, it's helpful to start to "analyse" the sentence and the words in it, to see what function each serves and how it works. The »
We need explanations! Desperately! Those endless puzzles, those grammar points, those tiny little words that drive us crazy... sounds familiar? Let's find some hope in this section.
When you learn a new language, specially when you get to a certain level, it's helpful to start to "analyse" the sentence and the words in it, to see what function each serves and how it works. The »
I'm sure you've seen todos many times, sometimes with an article after it (Todos los días), sometimes without it (Todos vamos), sometimes in feminine form (todas) or without the -s at the end (todo). So, what's each version »
Let's talk about these two, shall we? Tan Tan is used before an adjective, that is, a quality (like sturdy) or a state (like broken). Ex: ¡Ese niño es tan fuerte! - that kid is so strong! Ex: »
Comido, hablado, dicho, arreglado..., eaten, spoken, said, fixed... All of these are what we call "participle" or participio in Spanish, and they are the "done" form of the verb. A few months ago I posted an explanation the »
Sometimes people get confused with the combinations of "si" (if). Do you have to use subjunctive after or not? Well, these are the options: Reminder before we go into it: Sí with accent mark means "yes". Si without »
Sometimes it can be difficult to know if you should use lo/la or le when we talk about people in Spanish. You see it with both, but why? Isn't a person indirect object and therefore le? Well, »
We're going to talk about which one of these you have to use in questions. Is it "¿qué hora es?" or "¿cuál hora es?", let's find out: In general, I'd say qué means "what" and cuál means "which »
Let's see what are the different past tenses in Spanish, what are the differences between them, how to use them, and also where else I can use participle ;) Past preterite - I did Punctual events Not habits (even »
Different translation Por qué Why Porque Because El porqué The reason Por que Also por el que, por la que, por los que, por las que For which Got 3min? Watch this video! »
In this quick video you'll learn the difference between bien and bueno and also between mal and malo. Translation, how to use them, etc. Includes some translations to practice, let me know how it went! »
Conocer To know or meet a person Conozco a Sabela desde hace siete años - I've known Sabela for 7 years. Conocí a Marcos cuando tenía 12 años -I met Marcos when I was 12 years old. To »