SOLER - I usually do

¡Hola! Today we're going to check out this verb, soler, that is very useful! Soler could be translated as "to usually do something" which sounds vage, and it is, but that's the hole point about this verb and »

How to use "pasar" in Spanish

Maybe you've heard "Por favor, pasa before. It means "please, come in", and it's one of the many situations when we can use pasar. Let's see some more! Pasar To happen ¿Qué pasó? - What happened? To pass »

Dejar - meanings and expressions

We have a quick one today. These are the different combinations and meanings you need with dejar: Dejar combinations 1- Dejar de + inf To stop/quit doing something Ex: Dejé de fumar hace dos años - I stopped »